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Every person needs a way to examine and discover the voice

of the soul, because the truth is, we all have unfinished business with ourselves.


Now is your moment to begin the journey to the deeper wholeness and freedom you've been waiting for...


Let's have a conversation...


About me

Professional Associations

Meet Jane

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 Here's the "official" Bio: 


I'm Jane Sider, Founder and Director of Soul Intent, an international Coaching and Spiritual Direction practice. I help leaders, change makers, and those in the trenches of life and work serving others, to cultivate a deepening awareness of where God is present and active in their life and story, and how they are responding. This process can be especially helpful in seasons of challenge, discernment, and desire for maturing growth.


  • I am a certified Spiritual Director (and Supervisor) with years of experience in individual and group spiritual formation and leadership development.


  • I have a Master of Ministry degree (Spiritual Formation, Theology, & Pastoral Counseling), and a Diploma in Conflict Mediation.


  • For several years, I have been a Chaplain (Spiritual Support) at a regional Children’s Hospital (CHEO), supporting dozens of families through unexpected tragedy, loss, and finding new hopeful ways forward.


  • I've lived overseas for 11 years in SE Asia and Africa, working in Community Development, and Emergency Food Relief (with my husband, & 5 children)



 Here's the "behind the scenes" Bio:


I'm Jane Sider, and I've experienced burn out, I've been bullied, I have lost loved ones, I've had way too many tropical parasites, I've journeyed some agonizing relational challenges, and I've struggled financially. AND I have been a part of helping loads of clients and communities in navigating their own 'real life' hardest and most stuck places. Discerning their toughest life decisions,  recalibrating their purpose and calling at new stages, and pursuing their deepest desires for growing in love, vision, and freedom with themselves, others, and God. 








Professional Associations 

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Work With Me

Listen to your life, ignite your calling, transform your world.

I coach you through a dynamic vision-led process to empower you to reach your greatest potential through your greatest strengths.  

Believing that God is in all of life, I help you cultivate a growing awareness of where God and the sacred is present and at work, in your life and story, and how you are responding. 

Step out of the daily life grind and bustle to recalibrate and enjoy guided contemplative and active prayer practices. These invite you to be still, 

be awakened, and

be Love(d).  

Tune in to tune up!

Find some familiar, or new,  spiritual practice resources to support your spiritual formation. Enjoy and make rhythms of attending to, and making space to hold more of the Mystery, we call  God.





Spiritual Direction



" Jane Sider’s Coaching sessions provided a wonderful framework for re-visioning my career path. Her process beautifully honored my spiritual gifts and helped me paint a vision of how I could blend them into a career journey that was both life-giving and sustainable. That exceeded my expectation, and she has allowed me to view my work with more alignment."



Kathryn C., Canada


"As a pastor who seeks to help people do the internal work necessary to grow in their spiritual awareness and practice, I regularly refer people within my parish to Jane Sider for Spiritual Direction. Whether in her role as a director or as a volunteer in our community, Jane authentically cares for people out of her own expansive experience and her commitment to always keep growing in her own personal spiritual practice.

 I have consistently seen  our people take significant next steps in their spiritual journey & their own self-awareness through their sessions with Jane. If you are looking for a guide to help you grow in your understanding of yourself and of the Divine, I cannot recommend Spiritual Direction with Jane highly enough.”  



Eric V. Lead Pastor , The Meetinghouse Ottawa


"I readily recommend Jane's coaching, and in particular, her attentiveness to the spiritual dimension. 

I was struggling with lots of frustrations: my job, my career and my life, I was basically stuck in a good old fashioned mid-life crisis!

My whole career, I had worked so hard to get to the top, but once achieving  that in my work life, but it didn't feel good or fulfilling, and left me lost for answers or plans for my next chapters.

My process with Jane really helped to normalize my current reality, understand the source of my crisis, and start to see the opportunities ahead.

I gained a greater sense of purpose, confidence and peace, as I got comfortable with my uncertainties, and, I landed a well aligned new job!"


Nicole B., Canada


 "I  developed deeper awareness and  confidence from my experience in Spiritual Direction. Jane is endowed with many spiritual gifts, including the gift of prophecy. She meets you exactly where you are at in the present moment, creates space for you as well as space for Jesus, and guides you to an ah-ha moment".            




I. H., Canada               

"For the past year, I have been really struggling with areas in my life that were giving me internal conflict, and this resulted in a less positive attitude overall.

Spiritual Direction was unfamiliar territory for me, however, I felt like it would be therapeutic because I was going through a really difficult time and needed the Holy Spirit to guide me. Jane was very attentive to what I had to say, she asked me questions that really challenged me in a great way, and I learned a lot about myself as a result. 

Thank you for helping through a difficult time."


Daniel F, Canada

"Jane is kind and welcoming, and she made me feel comfortable and at home during my coaching with her! She demonstrated great care in being a support and facilitator in my own reflective process. I came out at the end not burdened with a to-do list for my life, but rather feeling a weight lifted by the discovery of how to bring my everyday actions more in line with my values and passions. I’m certain I will continue to come back to the insights I gained about myself in this process as I move forward in both my career and personal life."



Hope R., Canada

"Having Jane as my Spiritual Director has been so valuable, as I've been in a major life transition these past 6 months. She has listened deeply, and I've felt understood when my life was really hard and confusing. In the midst of my chaos, when God seemed far away, and it was hard to embrace my weakness, she helped me to draw near to Him. I now sense his presence and His peace, and I have greater trust that He is in control.

I'm really grateful for Jane and her many gifts, she is a woman of depth and character."




Kristi S, USA


"Jane is very approachable, patient, insightful, and a great listener. I feel like she is present with me and supporting me as I share about my dreams and goals. She is sensitive to the Holy Spirit and I have left our sessions feeling like they were surprisingly productive in such a short time. With her help I have been led to consider issues in a way I hadn’t before.

I especially enjoyed writing a lament about a situation at her suggestion. I highly recommend her services to support your spiritual growth"





Christa T, Canada

© 2022

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